Wayburn Area Ford Helps You Understand Tow Bills

Wayburn Area Ford Helps You Understand Tow Bills

Towing carIf you ever have the misfortune to need your car towed, the invoice you receive from the towing company may be a little difficult to read. Your Wayburn area Ford dealership offers the following information to understand towing services and the towing invoice.


Towing Invoices


Certain information should be included on a towing invoice to help ensure you get the correct towing bill:


  • Your name
  • Your address and phone number
  • The vehicle make, model, year, and VIN
  • Location the vehicle was picked up or towed from
  • Location the vehicle was towed to
  • The reason the vehicle required a tow
  • Date of towing service


Whenever you get an invoice, verify that all of the details are correct before paying to make sure it is your bill. If you have towing coverage, just verify the details are correct and all necessary information is available before forwarding it to the insurance company for payment or reimbursement.


Common Services Provided by Tow Companies


In addition to towing cars, towing companies may provide the following roadside services:


  • Gasoline if you run out of gas on the road
  • Assistance for a dead car battery
  • Mechanical problems
  • Flat Tire assistance
  • Car accidents
  • Locksmith services


Towing Coverage


Some car insurance companies cover towing – check with your agent to see if your policy offers coverage or reimbursement for towing. If you have a roadside assistance plan or are a member of AAA, you may also be covered for towing.


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