Tips For Driving In The Snow and Ice This Winter From Your Moose Jaw Ford Dealer
Tips For Driving In The Snow and Ice This Winter From Your Moose Jaw Ford Dealer
Posted on June 26, 2020
Winter is here and the snow is beginning to fly. When you head out this winter on the road way do you know what extra precautions you need to take to stay safe? Your Moose Jaw Ford dealer offers the following tips for driving safely in the snow and ice this winter.
When driving in winter weather you need to be prepared. Taking steps before you leave home can help to keep you safe. Here is what you should do before getting behind the wheel when you will need to drive in the snow or ice.
- Remove any snow or ice that is already on your car.
- Check your gas and make sure you have more than enough to reach your destination.
- Fill up your windshield wiper fluid.
- Pack your ice scraper and ice brush.
- Check your emergency road kit and add items that are missing.
- Pack a first aid kit.
- Pack items to keep you warm like wool socks, wool blankets, hats, gloves and boots.
- Pack non perishable snacks and bottled water.
- Hook up your GPS and make sure you know where you are going.
Once you are on the road way you will need to drive with extra care. Here are some tips to help keep you safe.
- Take your time. Leave early for your destination so you can travel at a reduced, safer speed.
- Leave extra room between you and other vehicles for a greater stopping distance.
- Accelerate slowly so you do not set your car into a tailspin
- Turn on your headlights even if it is not dark out. This will allow other vehicles a better chance of seeing you.
- Drive on bridges, overpasses and exit ramps slowly and carefully as they freeze over before the roadway.
- Know how your brakes work so that you can brake safely.